Soča 2024 - From summer to snow-covered peaks
Wer hätte gedacht, dass mich ein einziger Satz, ausgesprochen im sonnigen Soča-Tal im September 2024 eine ganze Kurswoche und länger verfolgen würde? Andi und ich saßen nach einem Kurstag eines offenen Kurses auf dem Balkon des kleinen Apartments auf Camp…
Getting started in whitewater with LWA
Can I do that? How can I do that? And preferably where? It's clear: not everyone wants to learn whitewater paddling and packrafting is a fascinating outdoor sport even without strong currents, waves, eddies and the typical roar of alpine rivers. We know that.
Soča 2023 - Once different, beautiful as always
In the 10 years that I have been living this LWA adventure, few things have accompanied me as constantly as the annual feeling of arriving in the Soča Valley in late summer. Anyone who knows me knows that I am often drawn to places where nobody...
Soča 2022 - A look back
It is still one of the most beautiful places in the world. We at Land Water Adventures have been in the Soča Valley every year for almost 10 years now, and every year when we go, we go with heavy hearts. We have already seen here the...
Soca 2019 - Whitewater five times (German only)
Da stehen wir nun in diesem Paradies für Outdoor- und Paddelbegeisterte, Andi, Moni und ich. Im Soca-Tal. Das Tal brummt vor Paddlern, aber hier am LWA-Camp ist noch alles ganz ruhig. Noch niemand hier. Noch ein Tag, bevor die 12…
Our campfire- and screen-adventure-evenings (German only)
Abende am Lagerfeuer, Zusammensitzen, Geschichten und Gemütlichkeit gehören zu unseren Wildwasser Packrafting Kursen in Tirol und an der Soca genauso dazu wie Theorie, Praxis und einfach Spaß und Action im Wildwasser. Wenn es dann dunkel ist auf dem Camp, man…
LWA live – Vorträge in Slowenien und Leipzig im Mai (German only)
Wisst ihr was? LWA gibt es auch mal (fast) ohne Wasser. Selten, das geben wir zu. Ok, sehr selten. Aber ab und an kommt das vor und wir reisen nicht, um zu paddeln. Sondern um vom Paddeln (und Packen) zu…
Nature conservation at Land Water Adventures
Whether on land or in a packraft, for us, untouched places, wilderness and untamed nature have a very special appeal. These are the places we are drawn to and where we plan our adventure. The special...
That was 2018 - a season in group photos
Rarely does an anecdote not have to do with the people we were traveling with during the season. Even though we visit many places several times during the months, it's different every time because we always meet different people...
Singing in the rain: Soča Advanced 2018
Granted: Of course, we would like to see increased water levels for an advanced course. This is not possible in the Soča valley without rain. So we inevitably want that, too. And at the same time we know that caution is the order of the day with such wishes.