• Bavarian Forest,  Hunsrück

    Momente der Multiday Saison 2024

    Ich bin auch nach mehr als 10 Jahren nicht ganz sicher, woran es genau liegt – aber es sind neben den Expeditionen immer wieder die Multiday-Kurse und -Touren, bei denen Erinnerungen und Momente am intensivsten bleiben. Vielleicht ist es der Verzicht auf Komfort, gepaart mit der Anstrengung und der Intensitität, mit der man Zeit miteinander verbringt. Vielleicht ist der Grund auch lediglich, weil ich mich ganz persönlich in diesem Modus schon immer am wohlsten und am natürlichsten fühle. Was auch immer es ist:

  • Events

    LWA Community season finale 2024

    On this last Saturday in September, it feels like we're coming home. So many people here that we know and so much joy at the start. And so much water, because on this morning, the 28....

  • Expeditions

    Expedition Tour Norway 2024

    When someone asks me where my home is, there is no simple answer. There are a few places in the world where I feel reliably at home and Trondheim is one of them. So many beautiful tours already...

  • Hunsrück

    Four seasons in the Hunsrück 2024 - Multiday at its best!

    Was für wunderschöne Multiday-Wochen liegen dieses Mal hinter uns. Um es vorweg zu nehmen, Schnee bleibt die extreme und bisher einmalige Ausnahme, aber dennoch hat das Wetter auch in diesem Frühjahr 2024 wieder für Spannung gesorgt. Von eisigem Graupel bis…

  • Bavarian Forest

    BayerWald 2024 - Was it summer already?

    We were prepared for everything: Sleet from the side, snow on the tents, sub-zero temperatures at the start, very high water levels, water levels that were almost too low. After all, we had already experienced all of this in the three previous trips on this extraordinary tour. But...

  • Expeditions

    Almost Alaska - Expedition Canada 2023

    On glacier rivers through bear country 5 years and two months after Jannis and Peter had this idea, I look at the Donjek Glacier for the first time in my life, see the furrows in the ice, including broken off pieces of ice that fall into the gray...

  • Whitewater tours & trainings

    Getting started in whitewater with LWA

    Can I do that? How can I do that? And preferably where? It's clear: not everyone wants to learn whitewater paddling and packrafting is a fascinating outdoor sport even without strong currents, waves, eddies and the typical roar of alpine rivers. We know that.
